Creating an Account

How do I create an Oodlins account?

To create an Oodlins account:

  1. Download Oodlins apps by visiting your phone’s app store (example: App Store, Google Play). From here, you can see the app and install the latest version.
  2. Open the app and select Create New Account
  3. Click School Administrator
  4. Enter your first name, last name, email, and password.
  5. Click Create Account.

I am a Teacher, how do I setup an Oodlins account?

  1. You will receive an invite code from your school administrator. If you have not receive your school code, please request from your school-admin.
  2. Download Oodlins apps by visiting your phone’s app store (example: App Store, Google Play). From here, you can see the app and install the latest version.
  3. Open the app and select Create New Account
  4. Click Teacher
  5. Enter the school code
  6. Enter your first name, last name, email, and password.
  7. Click Create Account.