
How to manage school billing and invoices?

To create invoice:

School can use Billing to create invoices for semester / activities fees to keep parents notify on outstanding payment. Besides, school and parents will also have a billing record in all invoices for easy payment.

  1. From admin console section click Billing.
  2. From the top click + Create New Invoice.
  3. Insert invoices date and click Add Item to add services/product.
  4. Type in item category, item name, amount and click on Add button to complete add new item process.
  5. Check your invoice details and click next to proceed.
  6. Select students that you want to share the invoice.

How to view invoices by filter?

Filter Invoice:

School can view invoices based on filtration. Admin can easily keep track of their fully paid, awaiting payment and overdue payment invoices.

  1. From admin console section click Billing.
  2. From Billing Module, click on fully paid / awaiting payment / overdue payment.
  3. Choose preferred filter to view invoices.

How to add items list for invoices?

Add Items & Category:

School can add invoice breakdown items into the item list. This is to ease the process while admin is creating the invoice. Admin can easily select the
item that has been created, to standardize the payment structure within the school.

  1. From admin console section click Billing.
  2. From the top right, click  and then Items.
  3. From the top, click + Create New Item
  4. Insert item category, item name, and amount.
  5. Click on the Save button.

How to verify invoice after payment made by parents?

Verify Payment:

Oodlins includes a verification process after parents share a direct deposit details to the school. Admin will need to proceed a verification to change an
invoice to a receipt.

  1. From admin console section click Billing.
  2. Click the filter to Fully Paid.
  3. Select the invoice which has not been verify ( amount shown in black font and without the letter R)
  4. Click on View Invoice
  5. Check on the invoice details and receipt attachment ( make sure payment is credited to account )
  6. Go back and click on Create Receipt
  7. Oodlins will mark the invoice as paid and reconcile ( amount shown in blue font and with the letter R)

Parents can conveniently download the Receipt from the Oodlins Parents app.